Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ronald Reagan! in Reagan and The Night of the Prius!

Watch as Ronald Reagan! takes on La Madame, Tits Magee, an anime John Edwards and fights the DNC Hall of Doom's plan to make us all drive Priuses. Yes, Priuses. Also, get prepared for the preppy Elephanteers and the obligatory "White People All Look the Same" joke. It's a full length comic and it is prepared to do things that few comics have done before.

See it here. The comic was written and drawn by me, using Adobe Illustrator for the September 2007 issue of the Vanderbilt Torch.


Anonymous said...

One comment and two questions:

A) It is my humble opinion that you are an idiot.

B) Have you ever been to New England?

C) Do you try to spark controversy in your writing?

katherine m. miller said...

A) Why, thanks! I say that about myself all the time.

B) I have, in fact, been to New England. Fenway was one of my Top 25 Cool Experiences Ever.

C) Isn't it clear that I do? Actually, I'm just trying to be funny, I'm sorry that you did not enjoy. And to be quite honest, I don't even mind Hillary Clinton. Kind of like the ol' girl. I hate High School Musical, though.